Here goes my facebook status today about TEDx (Technology, Design, Entertainment):
Lets sum up the TEDx experience: It was a nice effort by the organization. We as Pakistanis are not much aware of such talks, however, they are a great platform for inspiring commoners to do little things that can make a difference. Speaker's list could have been easily much better. Greatly impressed by Dr. Zeeshan Ul-hassan Usmani and his work on suicide bombing simulation software. Proud to have him as a GIKI lecturer. As they said, collectors are there, lets see where the genius comes from.
PS. Nirala ka doodh fit tha! :P
We actually had to attend Imran Khan's address at the Ladies Club Model Town (as Sherwani had informed Faheem mamoo) but on reaching there with Kabeer, we got to know that it was for ladies only. LOL. So anyhow, we turned for Ali Institute and got in easily. Komal was there too feeling lonely.
Once in, it was a nice experience overall. Some of the speakers were not that inspiring as much as we expected but thats alright. Rafay Alam couldnt make it due to a late flight. They gave us goody bags with saplings to plant in our homes. That was nice gesture. A small vouchure for Rs.100 is also there for "The Last Word" bookshop, however, the presence of a green matchbox was wierd/wicked/strange/*eyebrows raised* whatever you wanna call it. :P
Mudassar Zia and the Economist were particularly inspiring. Makes one think and that's the whole purpose (ala the 1st step to DDD). Dream, Dare and Do!!
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